Housing Trust Fund
of Johnson County
“Safe, decent and affordable housing for all in Johnson County”
Physical Location: 26 E. Market St. #123
Iowa City, IA 52245
Mailing Address: PO Box 2446
Iowa City, IA 52244
The following links are provided to assist our visitors in learning more about Johnson County and housing issues, opportunities and programs on the national, state and local levels. However, HTFJC is not responsible for the content contained on any of the following websites. HTFJC welcomes input and information regarding these websites as well as suggestions of additional links that might be useful. Email your comments to our webmaster.
Johnson County Government - www.johnson-county.com
City of Iowa City - www.icgov.org
City of Coralville - www.coralville.org
City of North Liberty - www.northlibertyiowa.org
Iowa Finance Authority - www.iowafinanceauthority.gov
State of Iowa - www.iowa.gov
National Low Income Housing Coalition - www.nlihc.org
National Housing Trust Fund Campaign - www.nhtf.org
Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce - www.iowacityarea.com
East Central Iowa Council of Governments - www.ecicog.org
Johnson County Affordable Housing Coalition - www.jcaffordablehousing.org
Local Homeless Coordinating Board - www.jchomeless.org
Builders of Hope - www.buildersofhope.us
Domestic Violence Intervention Program - www.dvipiowa.org
Inside Out Reentry Community - www.insideoutreentry.com
Iowa City Cohousing - www.iowacitycohousing.org
Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity - www.iowavalleyhabitat.org
Reach For Your Potential - www.rfyp.org
Shelter House Community Shelter & Transition Services - www.shelterhouseiowa.org
Successful Living - www.icsuccess.org
Systems Unlimited Inc. - www.sui.org
The Housing Fellowship - www.housingfellowship.com